I see a problem and it is time to FIX IT!
I was feeling quite scatterbrained and as if I was getting nothing much accomplished. There have been days that I could not remember that very important task that just HAD to be completed. You have been there?
Well, I thought that I had remedied this by ordering a beautiful day planner. Good start. However, when you open it.. it is pretty much blank. (How can a mom of 6 who runs a business at home have a blank planner??)
It is not doing me a whole lot of good that way. I sat and pondered this mystery and came to the conclusion that it was place outside of my reach at my desk. I would get so wrapped up in the computer that this poor planner has been neglected. This girl even took a class in how to use this beauty and here it sat.
OK, so in all mistakes, the first step is identifying the issue and owning it. I have now moved my planner to an accessible spot and commit to using the heck out of it. To make myself feel better, I am thinking of even posting a picture of the pages once in a while to show my progress.
Today, once again, is a new beginning.
Thanks for the inspiration! This is something I battle often…Most recently I’ve been utilizing my tasks manager on Iphone to keep me more focused, but have recently “fallen off” that wagon also…time to get back on! Afterall, “Today, once again, is a new beginning 🙂
It really is a task to remember our tasks. I heard from a lovely lady that if we rename them accomplishments, it helps.