LOA for Depression
So many people are battling with depression these days. I hope that this gets into hands and hearts in need. I am not a Dr, just a friend that has dealt with depression and found a way to break free. I want to share it with you.
Sadness, anxiety, and hopelessness all rolled into one can rapidly mutate from a minor issue to a severe problem if you don’t get control of the situation fast. Not everyone wants to go on prescription medication to alter their mind in an effort to deal with depression.
Some people prefer to handle it naturally. The law of attraction is one of many methods you can use to handle the symptoms of depression once you recognize that’s what’s happening to you.
The law of attraction is a way of life. It’s not a magical formula where you wake up one morning and wish that the universe would make you feel whole again. And it’s not someone asking you to put on a happy face and lie about how you’re feeling.
[Tweet “The law of attraction is a practical mindset shift to bring you the ultimate happiness and quality of life that you deserve.”]
You Are Manifesting Your Depressed State
If you already know that you suffer from depression, it’s guaranteed that you’re manifesting it yourself. That doesn’t mean bad things haven’t happened or that you have to sweep it under the rug and pretend everything’s rosy.
What it means is, for too long, you’ve been living your life chained to what’s negative in your life and not enough time bringing good things to yourself. Going to bed and waking up every morning depressed is a sign that your thought patterns are mired in sadness just as if you stepped foot in a lake of quicksand.
You almost can’t get out of it and sometimes you feel like the more you struggle, the deeper into a depressed state that you get. This is true. So you have to stop the struggle today – learn how to slowly recover and avoid falling into this trap in the future.
Manifesting a state of mind means you’re actively focused on something specific. When this happens, you get more of the same. If you’re cheerful and upbeat, the world reacts in a more cheerful and upbeat state to you. The opposite is true as well.
So the first thing we have to do is look at what you don’t want in life. You’re a pro at this. You’re doing it every day (probably all day long). You’re focused on everything bad – your relationship, your career, and your failures.
So let’s have one last hurrah with it so you can validate your feelings, and then release them from captivity inside your soul to make room for the better mindset that’s going to soothe and comfort you on a day-to-day basis.
Don’t be generic when you do this. Find a spot to sit alone and concentrate. Take a notebook with you or do this exercise in your mind, but be very aware of the details.
Make a list of everything wrong for you right now. Don’t just say, “I have a bad relationship.” Instead, get specific. Say, “I need more affection from my spouse or partner. I need hand holding and kisses and more intimacy on a daily basis.”
You have to get totally real and pinpoint the problem because one way to heal is through taking action steps, and that’s one thing you’ll be learning shortly.
You should also write down why all this is happening to you. Is it someone else’s fault? Are you plagued with bad luck? You need to see what you believe has caused this for so long.
Also look at how depression is making you feel physically. Depression isn’t just a state of mind – it manifests itself in your body in an unhealthy manner. Does your body ache all over when you feel down? Does your stomach hurt or does it feel like an elephant is sitting on your chest?
Get in touch with that physical emotion so that you’ll be able to do things that keep you free of pain and discomfort as you work on letting some light into your life.
What Is It You Want Out of Life?
You need to look at that list and use it as a tool to develop the kind of life that you want. The law of attraction is about attracting the right things into your life. So if you want affection, you have to give affection.
You might be thinking, “I tried. It didn’t work. I made him/her dinner and they weren’t appreciative.” So you gave up.
Part of what makes the LOA work so well is when you come from a pure and whole place in your heart. If you go into each change with expectations and entitlement (I did this so he has to do this), you won’t get the same results as you would if you did it selflessly.
This is hard to get used to. We sometimes live in a “tit for tat” state of mind. If we don’t get what we feel we deserve, our reactions are anger, hurt, and disappointment.
This can tip you over into a state of depression because you are always feeling wronged and let down. So if you can love for the right reasons, or work without praise because it’s the right thing to do, you release yourself from those chains of negativity and open the door for some new, positive feelings to step in.
Instead of feeling bad after an incident where you felt disrespected, you’re focused on what you did right – and that is a good feeling. It’s like when you take a name off of the annual Angel tree in the mall and buy toys for a child.
You go into that knowing you’re not going to see a reaction or get a verbal thank you. You simply do it because it’s right and it feels good, correct? Your daily life should operate in the same manner.
Just as you made a negative list of what’s wrong with your life, or what you don’t want, you should now make a positive, ideal life list. What is going right – what do you want to keep the same? What other lifestyle issues do you want to ask the universe for and make happen for yourself?
Do you want better health?
More wealth?
Enhanced beauty?
It’s all at your fingertips if you are ready to embrace a radical change in your thought processes. It’s done using a two-step process – changing your mindset, and taking action steps.
Start by recognizing that those causes you blamed in the last section are not real or true. The cause of your state of life is you. If you’re in a bad relationship or bad career, it’s because you’ve allowed it.
This is a harsh realization to make, but it’s a reality. If you had changed your mindset and action steps earlier, you wouldn’t be in this position. Don’t beat yourself up about it, though – because you’re making change now – and that’s something to be highly proud of!
Daily Affirmations to Choke Out Depression
Now you have to adopt a new routine – and in order to do that you must first recognize that it takes awhile. You have to learn new habits and rewrite over old ones.
Don’t feel down if you forget in the moment how to do it. Pick it up as soon as you realize it and move on. Over time, it will become second nature for you to live this way and you won’t have to try so hard or think about it as much – it will come naturally.
For the next 2 weeks, stay very aware of your present mindset. That doesn’t mean look back at the end of the day about how you felt. It means check in with yourself every half hour before too much time passes and see how you’re feeling.
You don’t have to waste time writing some big journal entry about it – just do a self check. “How am I feeling right now in this second?”
If the answer is anything less than content, then pinpoint it. “What’s making me feel anxious or sad or angry?”
When you know what it is, you want to do two things – first, implement a new mindset about it. If you’re feeling depressed because you’re in a job that you can’t stand, then repeat an affirmation that the law of attraction uses to write over your old mindset.
You don’t want to go through your day chained to negative feelings about your job – you want to focus on making a better life. So you’ll say something like, “I am happy that I’m working on achieving my goal of becoming a … (and fill in the blank with whatever position it is you do want).”
Words alone aren’t enough. We’ll talk about action steps in a moment. Many LOA followers also use daily affirmations to uplift themselves. They would add on to that previous message and say something such as, “I am pleased that I love and honor myself enough to work toward a career of my choosing.”
You might feel like this is unnatural in the beginning. You might even feel like it’s awkward. But your subconscious mind ingrains this message – whether you are actively thinking in a positive manner or a negative one, so continue doing the exercise regardless of how well you believe it will work at first.
You’re teaching yourself to quit feeling bad and start looking at the good part of what’s happening at that very moment. Using daily affirmations in the moment, or before bed and right when you wake up, is a great way to choke out depression for good.
Consider them akin to St Augustine grass. That is a hearty grass that, when thriving, will choke out weeds in a lawn, refusing to allow them to grow and infiltrate the plot of land.
You’re doing the same. When your mind is focused on positive thoughts as often as possible, there’s simply no room for anything else. There’s no possibility for depression to take root because happiness is too strong and too plentiful in your life at that time.
If you want to be more logical than simply ignoring the negative and replacing it with positive, then you can do that, too. You can say, “It’s understandable that I’m unhappy with this career, but I’m so proud of myself for working on a big change.” And then make that change!
When you use affirmations, always speak or think in the present, never the future. Don’t say, “I will try to get another job.” That’s defeatist at best. You want to say, “I am getting a new career.” You are! You’re actively and currently working on steps to allow you to give your boss a pink slip.
Action Steps That Refuse to Let Depression Resurface
The most important part of the law of attraction is when you start living life as if you already have what you want. That means every action you take is that of a happy person, not someone mired in depression.
Would a happy person crawl up into a ball on their couch and cry for hours because they hate their job? No.
A happy person would actively take steps to change their life. And that’s what you have to do. You’ll feel good when you’re making changes. If things are simply staying the same, you’ll see no light at the end of the tunnel and you’ll feel hopeless about your future.
If you start picturing yourself at the same work desk with the same coworkers 10, 15 or 20 years later, stop yourself and picture yourself in a new job surrounded by the exact kind of people you enjoy.
Then go to work on making that come true. What would someone who is happy in his or her career be doing? They would be growing their expertise. You could sign up for classes, take on tasks for free that give you experience – research – there are tons of options for you.
You are going to be looking into who you want to work for (and why). You are going to be researching the company and what they’re looking for so that you can possess many of those qualities they’re looking for.
Make a plan of action and then use your mind and action steps to go from a state of depression to a state of utmost happiness because your life is morphing into exactly what you want it to be.
You can find a ton more information on The Law of Attraction online. Have you read The Secret?
If you need someone to talk to, please do not hesitate to send an email. Feel free to share so that others facing depression can see the light at the end of the tunnel and as always, comments are loved.
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