So, you want more people to see your blog posts. Here is a tip that I use a bunch.
One way to use Twitter is to share your blog posts with your audience. It’s an important way to keep followers up to date on a variety of topics while sticking to the 140 character limit. Because, after all, a blog post can be longer. But there are some tips to share these blog posts in the best way.
Keep The Headline Under 140 Characters — Remember that if someone is going to retweet it, it works better if your original headline is shorter than the allowed number. This enables the person who is retweeting to leave your entire headline but include their own Twitter username. So when they say you have 140 characters think instead that you have about 90.
Make The Headlines Keyword Rich — Headlines of all blog posts should be interesting. If you use a plug in which Tweets your blogs automatically the headline may not be good enough to get any attention. Ensure that your headlines catch the eye and are relevant to the post for the best results. Oftentimes, while automation can be fun, having a real person create the headlines for the tweets is better.
To Build Your Brand Recognition — You want to stay in the forefront of your followers mind and sometimes that is easiest done by sharing your blog posts. Your blog posts on your website should be targeted toward a particular audience, relevant interesting and engaging. If they’re all that, your followers will be glad you reminded them about your blog post via a Tweet. Your name will be kept in front of them, and they’ll remember you for it.
To Communicate With Your Community –– Blog posts can be very interactive in nature if you always ask a question or ask the community to do something. You can get great feedback and conduct awesome research via blog posts using Twitter to get the blog post out there. Once your Twitter followers go to the blog post they can comment on it, conduct the poll, leave feedback, and also retweet it to others if they find it interesting enough.
To Promote Your Products & Services — While you do need to be cognizant of over promoting on Twitter, it is okay of course to promote your products and services via Twitter. The trick is to be aware of who is following you, speak directly to them, and promote something that is useful to them. What types of products and services do they want and need? Promote that!
Because It’s Fun — The fact is, Twitter is fun. You can do it relatively quickly, and get a nice response from it each time. You should enjoy sending and receiving Tweets because it really is like a large never ending party. Like an afterhours chamber of commerce party that you can go to any time of the day without having to dress up. If you went to a party and you just wrote a new article, ora book, you’d tell people right? Well Twitter is no different, as long as you’re not spamming people appreciate your good news.
Want to learn more about how to use Twitter? I am doing a FREE workshop this month all about Twitter! Read More Here
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RT @CristineCapone: From the blog: How and Why You Should Tweet Your Blog Posts