What are your top social networking sites? With so many these days, it is easy to get lost in cyberspace. It is not always best to go for the next shiny new thing. Stick to what you can handle. Your business can and should be fun. I suggest starting with two or three that you feel comfortable on and then increasing the number of social media platforms as you get more familiar with how it all works. Remember, that part of being on a social networking site is engaging with your fans and followers promptly so try not to be a social ghost by the over use of automation.I am guilty of this and had to sort of bail myself out of the impression that I was just posting to post. All of your content should have a purpose and that is hard to accomplish if you are not indeed actively engaging. Conversations are a big part of any social networking campaign. To me as well as others, I believe, quality over-rides quantity so do keep that in mind. You may be tempted to look like a rock star but if not actively engaging, you may actually look like the opposite. Think of your social networking as a service much like being in a restaurant and not getting quick service. Who likes to be ignored? I know that I don’t. When you get poor service, do you tend to go back to that person as your server?When you weigh all of the factors into what being a good networker means, it seems to point to quality and a ton of engagement. What is engagement? Well, that would be conversation and it is the bread and butter of any great social media campaign.Take a look over the social networking sites that you currently are signed up for and do a personal audit on them to see where you need to spend more time on. You may even decide that you can pause a couple that you are not active on. You can try utilizing some auto posting services such as hootsuite.com or www.buffer.com to increase posting but remember to go back and engage with your fans and followers. I guarantee that when you increase your listening, you will begin to see an increase of interaction.How do you manage your social media? Name your top social networking sites:
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That is an awesome topic! Very very thankful to you for sharing this.